FREASCO is a European project founded by Justice Programme & Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme and aimed at: facilitating the early detection and reporting of episodes of sexism and sexual harassment as well as preventing gender-based violence occur within school and university contexts through the development of digital tools and targeted guidance to schools and […]
SWOST- Sport Without Stereotypes
SWOST – Sport Without Stereotypes, is an Erasmus+ Sports project aimed at, leading a tangible social transformation in the mindset of European sport organisations at all levels in increasing people’s awareness on gender stereotyping and discrimination. The ultimate output of the project is the creation of a set of online tools that provide self-assessment and […]
TWOST – Training without stereotypes
TWOST is an Erasmus + KA2 project aimed at preventing gender-based discrimination towards youth. The project addresses in particular a cross-sectorial cooperation, allowing greater synergies across all fields of actions concerning young people, with a special focus on access to rights, autonomy, participation –including e-participation– and the active citizenship of young people, avoiding the gender […]
FREASCO project was submitted by CSCS and its consortium
On April 15th, 2020, CSCS along with an extensive EU partnership, has presented the “Free from sexism and sexual harassment at school (FREASCO)” project, under the DG Justice call for proposals to prevent and fight all forms of violence against children, young people, and women. The project consortium is led by the Department of Education, Languages, […]
Medmobility pre-selected among 196 projects
Medmobility, the project for Scaling Up Youth Mobility for Employment Across the Mediterranean Sea” submitted in July under the call of the ENI CBC-MED programme, has been admitted to Step 2 of the evaluation process. The project aims at promoting the mobility of NEETs and young workers through the strengthening of the Mediterranean VET (Vocational […]
Initiative on the mobility of NEETs and young workers
CSCS is currently working on the promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty. The commitment of the center in this research line led to the elaboration of a project proposal on the mobility of NEETs and young workers through the strengthening of the Mediterranean VET (Vocational Education and Training) sector and job guidance services […]
A new project for the creation of a Sector Skills Network in Advanced Manufacturing was designed by the members together with the global association Cumulus, the European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning EARLALL, the International Vocational Education and Training Association IVETA, and the association for the promotion of practice-based […]
Robot cluster in Slovenia
Skillman members work together to establishing a robot cluster in rural Slovenia A group of Skillman network’s members composed of Ubiquity Robotics (US), accent (AT), IRIS Research Institute (IT) and CSCS (IT) together with a team of experienced entrepreneurs and technologists elaborates a concept note on the creation of a robot cluster in rural Slovenia. […]
PLATIN: the new initiative supported by the
PLAyful Transformations towards INnovative company cultures With the support of the Skillman Network, the D2i – Design to innovate, drives a group of Universities, enterprises, research centres, business representative and NGO from Denmark, France, Spain, Lithuania and Italy to address two contemporary challenges: • the need for enterprises to encourages creativity and innovation, • the […]
job Radar – TVET initiative
The new project designed in collaboration with MENETP (Madagascar) The project JOB RADAR – Radar for competences design and training, certification and guidance for the employment of disadvantaged youth in Madagascar was designed in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education and Technical and Vocational Training (Madagascar). The project aims at improving the employability of […]