A new project for the creation of a Sector Skills Network in Advanced Manufacturing was designed by the Skillman.eu members
Skillman.eu together with the global association Cumulus, the European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning EARLALL, the International Vocational Education and Training Association IVETA, and the association for the promotion of practice-based research on learning EAPRIL, work together to a project aimed at upscaling the Skillman.eu model, experience, approach and results to a largest coverage.
The initiative:
– envisages a series of actions addressed to involve VET providers from Europe in capacity building activities, training sessions, events and transnational mobility;
– aims at encouraging the creation of transnational and national VET providers’ networks for the improvement of the quality and efficiency of VET and the enhancement of its impact on learners and employers;
– fosters communication, dissemination and support for the implementation of the VET policy agenda, to exchange knowledge, feedback and experience of policy implementation.