Medmobility, the project for Scaling Up Youth Mobility for Employment Across the Mediterranean Sea” submitted in July under the call of the ENI CBC-MED programme, has been admitted to Step 2 of the evaluation process. The project aims at promoting the mobility of NEETs and young workers through the strengthening of the Mediterranean VET (Vocational […]
Final accreditation for
The request for transformation from temporary accreditation to final accreditation of the has been approved. The news was communicated by the company Sviluppo Toscana S.p.A. coordinated and directed by the Tuscany Region. With the final accreditation of the structure as a Private Incubator issued by the regional administration, the services already provided from 2016 […]
Alessia Guarracino, CEO at BrickScape, tells us the story of her company
Brickscape is an innovative start-up for the promotion of experiential tourism. Its category search engine filters and compares the national experiential offer from the partner sites and provide thousands of proposals that can be booked online. The idea comes up from Silvia Pinferi and Alessia Guarracino, two architects who decided to spend their know-how in […]
IVETA organizes its 2nd Europe Regional Conference on TVET
IVETA Europe is holding its second regional conference on technical, vocational education and training (TVET) in Sofia, Bulgaria. The theme of the conference is “Bridging the Gap Between TVET and Employment Worldwide”. Two related global crises are happening simultaneously: high levels of youth unemployment and a shortage of job seekers with relevant vocational work skills. […]
The partners of the ARACNE+ meet in Athens
The meeting of the Aracne+ project was held the last 10th and 11th of September in Athens. The event was hosted by IDEC, the high tech and training company partner of the initiative. Aracne is about to finish and the meeting was a great opportunity to draw conclusions on the training model implemented on the basis of the ARACNE […]
EYE was presented in the Hamburg Reeper Bahn Music Festival
The opportunities provided by EYE to enhance a business was presented in the panel ‘Explore Europe – Gateways For Funding’ on September, 20th in the Hamburg Reeper Bahn Music Festival. The panel, targeted at entrepreneurs and companies from the music and tech-industry in Germany and Europe, aimed to provide helpful information on financing programmes that support the creation, […]
Skillman for Open Robotics
Corso gratuito di Addetto alla manutenzione di macchinari destinati alla produzione L’Addetto alla manutenzione di macchinari destinati alla produzione è una figura professionale con conoscenze e competenze relative a: – Elementi di elettronica, sistemi meccatronici, robotica e industria 4.0; – Configurazione e assistenza all’avviamento del sistema robotizzato con programmazione del movimento; – Programmazione del movimento […]
New EYE agreement with the school of music foundation of Fiesole (Florence)
Fondazione ONLUS Scuola di Musica di Fiesole signed the agreement with CSCS aimed at promoting together the ‘Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’ Programme Fondazione ONLUS Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, a non-profit Foundation at the forefront of musical literacy training, committed in the promotion of various initiatives addressed to raise awareness and support for young people, […]
Initiative on the mobility of NEETs and young workers
CSCS is currently working on the promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty. The commitment of the center in this research line led to the elaboration of a project proposal on the mobility of NEETs and young workers through the strengthening of the Mediterranean VET (Vocational Education and Training) sector and job guidance services […]
Initiative on the prevention of online sexual harassment
CSCS is working on the prevention of violence against children, young people and women. The commitment of the center in this research line has led to the elaboration of a project proposal on the prevention of online sexual harassment through awareness in schools on gender stereotypes in collaboration with a team composed of different professional […]