TWOST is an Erasmus + KA2 project aimed at preventing gender-based discrimination towards youth. The project addresses in particular a cross-sectorial cooperation, allowing greater synergies across all fields of actions concerning young people, with a special focus on access to rights, autonomy, participation –including e-participation– and the active citizenship of young people, avoiding the gender self-segregation phenomena and promoting common values of mutual respect between genders and without prejudice.
The overall goal of the project is to strengthen the prevention and support the fight against stereotypes and gender violence among youth workers, young people in Europe through piloting of digital innovative resources and inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities.
The project stems from a cross-sectoral cooperation of 7 partners from 5 countries including youth organizations, sports associations and clubs.
The consortium aims at achieving the following objectives::
- Promote Stereotypes and Gender Equality Awareness, and reduce unconscious bias in particular through research on existing studies, tools and methods.
- Develop and disseminate non-formal education practical tools for youth workers in the field of identification and prevention of stereotypes and gender-based violence.
- Strengthen the role of youth workers in the fight against stereotypes and gender discrimination.
- Promote social inclusion and active citizenship of the socially excluded young people on a European level.
The project will be based on a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach that will initiate cooperation and capacity-building for youth organisations and workers that are directly involved with these groups to ensure timely and effective protection and support.
Start-end dates of the project (01/01/20 – 14/07/21)
Coordinator of the project:
The Partnership
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Gender-Specific Language Disclaimer for TWOST project
“In the publications, literature and self-assessment tool all partners of TWOST project may use the words “woman and pronouns she/her” and man “his/him” to describe persons related to the focus groups of the project, whose sex assigned at birth was female or male, whether they identify as female or male, as well as non-binary individuals who identify as both genders or neither gender. By the “sex assigned at birth” we presume the general definition adopted by European Institute of Gender equality as “These sets of biological characteristics are not mutually exclusive, as there are individuals who possess both, but these characteristics tend to differentiate humans as females or males””