
CSCS and Metropolis signed an agreement aimed at promoting the Programme ‘Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’

Centro Studi “Cultura Sviluppo” signed an agreement with Metropolis, a cultural association committed in the promotion of various initiatives addressed to raise awareness and support for young people. In particular Metropolis is promoting cultural exchanges, vocational integration and transnational cooperation through the project “Accademia Cinema Toscana”. Both CSCS and Metropolis are engaged in fostering economic […]

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CSCS and Dekaplus signed a cooperation agreement under the EM IX project

The bilateral agreement among CSCS, represented by Giovanni Crisonà, and Dekaplus Business Service Ltd, represented by Christos Nicolaides, has been signed under the Framework Partnership Agreement (2017-2021) of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme. DekaPlus Business Services is a consulting and professional training company located in Cyprus that facilitates individuals and organizations to achieve sustainable […]

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Caronte, the project that turn the challenge of raw materials dependence into a strategic strength, has been launched the past 5th and 6th July 2017

The National Research Council hosted the Kick-off Meeting of Caronte in Bologna, Italy, the last 5th and 6th July 2017. The project, with the aim to speed up the time-to-market of innovative products, will undertake activities to foster  innovative approaches and strategies in retrieving, effectively organizing and properly sharing scientific and technical information regarding the […]

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The network expresses its concern about the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the council

The network, joined by more than 300 EU organisations, expresses its concern about the nonsensical idea to cancel sending and coordinating structures. The network that play a major role in giving opportunities for mobility considers that this approach will make things more difficult, especially for the beneficiaries, and will expose youngsters to possible dangers […]

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A series of valuable products for resilience training has been created by ‘Resilience’, a project led by Blickpunkt Identität and carried out by CSCS and other institutions

‘Resilience’, the project coordinated by Blickpunkt Identität and carried out by CSCS in partnership with other 8 european institutions, has been a relevant experience that helped individuals to ‘bounce back’ from life’s challenges. Its main objective was to establish “resilience” as a horizontal theme in adult education enabling individuals to adapt to a changing society […]

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CSCS and Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO) signed a cooperation protocol under the EM IX project

The bilateral agreement among CSCS and ATO has been signed under the Framework Partnership Agreement (2017-2021) of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme. Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO) is one of the biggest Chambers in Turkey, with around 170.000 registered businesses and plays a leading role in promoting and supporting entrepreneurship across the country. ATO […]

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New materials for professionals working with victims or perpetrators of violence have been produced by the EURehabChildren team

  The EURehabChildren team has produced a series of materials targeted at the training of professionals dealing with victims or perpetrators of violence and operators working in youth centers, prisons and schools. The materials drafted under the project, include: a handbook of best practices, methods and guidelines on rehabilitation of juvenile offenders and victims, a […]

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CSCS and the municipality of Santander signed a cooperation protocol under the EM IX project

The bilateral agreement has been signed under the Framework Partnership Agreement (2017-2021) of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme. The agreement sets a number of goals for the Santander City Council concerning the exchange between Spanish and European entrepreneurs. Municipality indeed will support the business exchanges through its “self-employment” service. The European partnership Entrepreneurs’ Mobility, […]

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CSCS signed the European Alliance for Apprenticeships pledge at EAFA 2017

The European Commission, Directorate General Employment, Social affairs and Inclusion, Unit E.3 – VET, Apprenticeships & adult learning, has organised the High-Level Meeting of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAFA) on 30 and 31 May 2017 at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Paola PLA, Valletta in Malta. The event, aimed to […]

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One of the SKILLMAN PILOT TRAINING Course on Industry & Production 4.0 Manager has been held in May 24th in Italy

The training was addressed to test a unit aimed to provide participants with basic knowledge and skills on Business ProcessModelling principles and the related ICT solutions. The students have gained basic information about the project managementgraphic representation and learned how to define the tasks that compose a generic project. Through a concrete case, each student has been […]

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