A series of valuable products for resilience training has been created by ‘Resilience’, a project led by Blickpunkt Identität and carried out by CSCS and other institutions

Resilience’, the project coordinated by Blickpunkt Identität and carried out by CSCS in partnership with other 8 european institutions, has been a relevant experience that helped individuals to ‘bounce back’ from life’s challenges.

Its main objective was to establish “resilience” as a horizontal theme in adult education enabling individuals to adapt to a changing society and labour market requirements and to strengthen self-confidence and personal fulfilment.

Teachers and trainers, as main target group, can find a series of helpful tools for training adults on the web site. Products includes:  

  • a set of Guidelines for introducing resilience into adult education,
  • a Selection Box that contains exercises, methods and/or didactic learning approaches where resilience can be included e.g. in language courses, personal development, integration of immigrants, and guidance measures focusing on personal competence development,
  • an Interview Scheme for teachers and trainers to assess resilience and ensure that the needs of their target groups will be addressed effectively,
  • a self evaluation questionnaire to reflect your own resilience,
  • an online game to promote the topic resilience

Through resilience training, people can gain important skills like stress management, resource-seeking, flexibility and the ability to face the future in a positive way. Training helps them to extend their ability to take action, see themselves as self-efficient and realise their personal and professional ambitions.

The know how developed along this project will be gladly shared by CSCS and the rest of the partners to support  future projects on this topic.



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