The Master’s thesis of Francesco P. Cardiello ‘Understanding and Improving the Social Integration of Immigrant Background Students in Oslo and Florence’ will be defended soon at the University of Oslo. Dr Tiziana Chiappelli at the University of Florence and Dr Giovanni Crisonà at Gruppo CSCS in Pistoia supported its elaboration by connecting Cardiello with the academic and research communities of integration research in the Florentine area.
Cardiello travelled to Florence, Italy for two weeks in November 2018 after contacting the research team at the Centro Studi ‘Cultura Sviluppo’ (CSCS). The group led by Dr Giovanni Crisona and Dr Tiziana Chiappelli, made available its expertise on projects involving assimilation and integration in the Tuscan and Florentine areas. Through their network in the Tuscan area, the author identified four of his six interview subjects for the Italian portion of the research. In addition to identifying and interviewing subjects while in Italy, CSCS also provided the author with the opportunity to participate in conferences regarding social inclusion at the University of Florence and seminars conducted by #iopartecipo, one of Florence’s four principal integration and belonging projects funded from 2014 – 2020.
The whole CSCS team congratulates Cardiello for the realization of this important work and hopes to establish future collaborations with him on the topics tackled by his thesis.