SOS Network is now formally registered as a legal entity in Denmark and CSCS is one of the promoters of the network.
About the first board meeting held the 22. of January 2015 in Aalborg, Giovanni Crisonà says: ‘This is the beginning! We started to talk about how to promote our mission and our wishes and we are very happy to belong to this important organization that after three years of preparation is now making its first steps as an independent European body’.
The SOS-Network – SOS stands for SOcial inclusion of Students with special needs into vocational education and training – unifies Europe in its quest for solving the problem of early school leaving and ensuring a good transition from education to the labour market.
For this purpose the association composed by 14 partners in 12 countries, aims at collecting methods and tools for practitioners to remove physical, learning, behavioural, mental and social barriers to education.
Interesting methods and approaches identified in schools, training centers, work places, counseling agencies and other learning environments are made available through the SOS-portal.
SOS Network was initially funded by the EU through the Leonardo da Vinci program and in 2014 was hosted during the ‘’ conference in Athens. The participants have laid the basis to the future of SOS Network and have established a road map that is giving now his fruits.
The board of SOS Network includes now different organizations which share the objective to disseminate its mission: to evaluate the potentials of people and not their past failures or negative characteristics.
For further information, please, visit the webpage: