
Marijo Irastorza

  European Project Manager Cebanc-Cdea San Sebastián, Spain The School Cebanc-Cdea of San Sebastián, in Spain, is cooperating with CSCS from the year 2003 in the development of pilot projects within the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The experience is being so positive, that we have decided ourselves not only to continue in this direction […]

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Anja Neubig

  Project manager and laywer EBG Europäisches Bildungswerk für Beruf und Gesellschaft gGmbH Magdeburg, Germany Since 2003 we are collaboraring with CSCS in the Leonardo da Vinci project “BLIND” funded by the EU with a transnational partnership of Hungarian, Italian and German partners. CSCS was always an excellent and very reliable partner for EBG […]

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Agnieszka GolczyDska-Grondas

  Institute of Sociology University of Lodz, Poland I was cooperating with CSCS within the Leonardo da Vinci project which lasted three last years. I must say that I am impressed by the high level of professional abilities and creativity of Stefano Tirati who was the representative of his institution in our international team. […]

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Gheorghe Avram

Vicerector The Academy for Computer Assisted Technical Sciences, Economics, Law and Administration – AISTEDA Alba Iulia, Romania We come back some years ago. A new project … new hopes …a new team … new ideas: PELLEA (Portfolio Evaluation in Life Long Learning Improving Employabbility of Adult Learners) ( project. This was the times when I meet CSCS […]

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Daniele Quiriconi

General Secretary CGIL Pistoia Italy I’m Daniele Quiriconi, leader of CGIL Pistoia, a Tuscany trade union with 36.000 affiliates.We are related to CSCS with friendship and a formal agreement to carry out different trainings and research activities. CSCS has characterized himself for the design and research quality and thanks to its wide international network, operating […]

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Amos Fabbri

Regional Coordinator INCA CGIL TOSCANA – patronage Florence, Italy From nearly 10 years the Patronage INCA CGIL Toscana has dealings with CSCS, who has been entrusted of various assignments of technical advising and trainings with totally turns out to complete INCA satisfactory.  About CSCS I have been personally able to appreciate, beyond to the […]

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Lore Olsen

Student Counsellor and International coordinator Department of Automotive Engineering Odense Technical College Denmark AutoVidenCenter Fyn, Odense Tecnical College in Denmark has had the pleasure to cooperate with CSCS on more than one occasion. When sending students to Italy from the north of Europe, it is very important that you can rely on the organizing partner. […]

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Mission Possible!

TRAINING COURSE: Non formal competences in the labourmarket: mission possible! 08 -15 September 2013 Pistoia   This Training Course, was held in Pistoia between the 8th and the 15th of September, 2013. It brought together motivated youth workers and youth leaders active in the third sector from 10 European countries. The project was written to […]

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EYE Programme

Further to call for proposals launched each year since 2008 by the European Commission, CSCS has always been appointed as a Leader Organisation of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme. The programme allows cross-boder exchanges offering new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running SMEs in other Participating Countries. The exchange […]

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Services to business start-ups

CSCS offers business consulting services to clients in both private and public sectors. We provide client-side advisory and support services, with an eye to internationalisation, innovation, networking, business management and organisational development. Our services include: creation and boosting of management skills education services HR services capacity building management consultancy services (strategy formulation, programme and project […]

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