European Project Manager
San Sebastián, Spain
The School Cebanc-Cdea of San Sebastián, in Spain, is cooperating with CSCS from the year 2003 in the development of pilot projects within the Leonardo da Vinci Programme.
The experience is being so positive, that we have decided ourselves not only to continue in this direction but to extend our collaboration with CSCS to projects on mobility.
One of the objectives of Cebanc-Cdea is to extend the number of students involved in mobility projects, and, especially in this domain, it seams essential to us to collaborate with other educational organisations that are of absolute confidence and that deeply understand and implement a management of educational programmes based on good practices.
Italy is a location highly demanded by our candidates. The strong relationship which we are maintaining with CSCS has allowed us to get to know their great entrepreneurial character, their ability to work hard, their dynamism, their capacity to socialize with young people and adults alike, from different nationalities, their flexibility to adapt to ever changing situations.
Cebanc-Cdea considers CSCS an outstanding partner in vocational education and training.