Further to call for proposals launched each year since 2008 by the European Commission, CSCS has always been appointed as a Leader Organisation of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme.
The programme allows cross-boder exchanges offering new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running SMEs in other Participating Countries. The exchange of experience takes place during a stay with the experienced entrepreneur, which helps the new entrepreneur acquire the skills needed to run a small firm. The stay is partially funded by the European Commission and CSCS manages all practical aspects: assessment of profiles, finding a match, preparing an activity plan and a project offering benefits to both parties, implementing the exchange, paying the young entrepreneurs, monitoring and evaluating the relationship.
Support for NEs:
- information about the programme and pre-application interview
- help for the application (including support for the business plan creation)
- assessment of the profile
- help in finding a suitable host entrepreneur
- building of the relationship and help in detecting the best activity programme able to set up a win-win cooperation among the two entrepreneurs involved
- online training
- help with the administrative aspects (contract signature, check of registers of presences, etc.)
- monitoring of the exchange
- final evaluation of the exchange
Support for HEs:
- information about the programme and pre-application interview
- help for the application
- assessment of the profile
- help in finding a suitable new entrepreneur
- building of the relationship and help in detecting the best activity programme able to set up a win-win cooperation among the two entrepreneurs involved
- help with the administrative aspects (contract signature, compliance with all rules and regulations foreseen by the law etc.)
- monitoring of the exchange
- final evaluation of the exchange
Register online via the official web site of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme.