The Academy for Computer Assisted Technical Sciences, Economics, Law and Administration – AISTEDA
Alba Iulia, Romania
We come back some years ago. A new project … new hopes …a new team … new ideas: PELLEA (Portfolio Evaluation in Life Long Learning Improving Employabbility of Adult Learners) ( project. This was the times when I meet CSCS and of course Giovanni Cresonà. The main idea was to understand and formalize the huge impact of new wave in educational technologies wich have as result Lifelong Learning concept.
As is stated in COM(2001)678 : Communication from the Comission: Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning a reality: ” A comprehensive new European approach to valuing learning is seen as a prerequisite for the area of lifelong learning , building on the existing right of free movment within the EU. Proposals focus on the identification, assessment and recognition of non-formal and informal learning as well as on the transfer and mutual recognition of formal certificates and diplomas. Information guidance and counselling is addressed mainly at European level, with proposal that aim at facilitating access to learning through the availability of quality guidance services”. It seems to be the motto of the new approach of CSCS. It is certenly a big challenge for CSCS but knowing their thoghness, orderliness and innovation I am sure they accomplish succesfuly this huge task.
Their approach can be a model for us, the other.