Amos Fabbri


Regional Coordinator
Florence, Italy

From nearly 10 years the Patronage INCA CGIL Toscana has dealings with CSCS, who has been entrusted of various assignments of technical advising and trainings with totally turns out to complete INCA satisfactory.  About CSCS I have been personally able to appreciate, beyond to the remarkable professional competence, also the great availability and freshness of innovative ideas.  In the last 4 years we have covered together a way that, leaving from the planning and realization of an important training plan called “INCAVISION”, it has carried us to acquire, as the first patronage in Italy, the quality EN ISO 9001:2000 certification.

The collaboration with Group CSCS still continues today with full satisfaction.

I wish to the volcanic CSCS President Giovanni Crisonà and all its collaborators one nourished personal and professional collection of smash hit.

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