
Giovanni Crisonà was recently appointed ambassador tackling early leaving from VET

Giovanni Crisonà has been included in the list of ambassadors set up and managed by Cedefop – European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. Ambassadors can make their good practice visible and accessible and contribute to further improve the Toolkit for tackling early leaving, a useful source for policy-makers and practitioners, working in a […]

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CSCS hosted the ARACNE+ project meeting the last 15th and 16th of March

On March 15th and 16th, the partner meeting of ARACNE + project was held in the city of Pistoia, in CSCS. Five partner organisations, from four different countries, each with outstanding experience in socio-labour insertion actions, represent different areas such as cooperatives, non-profit organisations, Public Administration, private business entities and university . ARACNE+, is a […]

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CSCS, leader of EM Entrepreneur Mobility, participates in the the 21st EYE Network Meeting

The 21st EYE Network Meeting, held the past 5-7 of March in Brussels, has been an interesting opportunity for CSCS to meet experienced organisations already involved in the implementation of the programme in Cycle 9-SGA1 and newcomer organisations joining (or re-joining) the programme in Cycle 10. The event, beyond fostering the increase of peer-to-peer learning […]

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The project meeting of Caronte: an useful opportunity to talk about the European learning standards for training

CSCS participated in the meeting of the Caronte project, held the past 31 of January, 2018 in Finland at DIMECC (Digital, Internet, Materials and Engineering Co-Creation). The presentation of Giovanni Crisonà (CSCS) on the new priorities for european cooperation on education and training is available here: The meeting has been a good opportunity to identify […]

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A grant agreement has been signed among CSCS and Ondokuz Mayis University

The Agreement among CSCS, represented by Giovanni Crisonà and the Ondokuz Mayis University, represented by Prof. Sait Bilgiç, Rector of the HE Institution, has been signed in the past days. The agreement envisages the collaboration among the two institutions to carry out research activities on the role of Entrepreneurial Universities in strengthening the Internationalisation of […]

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CSCS as leader of the ​Entrepreneurs’ Mobility consortium participated in the partners’ meeting in Berlin

​ The Entrepreneurs’ Mobility consortium, led by CSCS, held his partner meeting in Berlin, Germany. Partners have assessed own performance during 2017, prepared for the yearly report and took important decisions concerning the activities to be carried out in 2018. The European partnership places first in terms of promotion and registrations among all consoria implementing […]

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CSCS celebrates the European Vocational Skills Week with an event dedicated to the “mobility learners”

On the occasion of the European Skills Week, CSCS organized an event addressed to students, apprentices and entrepreneurs. The ceremony took place in Pistoia and represented a great opportunity to enhance the results achieved during the last year and to celebrate the most active Italian and foreign entrepreneurs of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program. […]

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BASF Group, the renowned largest chemical producer in the world, sent its apprentices and tutors to Pistoia, in collaboration with…

the local Incubator CSCS which is carrying on many mobility initiatives, among others the Erasmus For Young Enterpreneurs Project. The tutors have arrived on the 13th September 2017 to monitor five students from BBS Wirthschaft 1 Ludwigshafen who are carrying out a traineeship at local enterprises in Pistoia with the programme of BBS […]

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