CSCS hosted the ARACNE+ project meeting the last 15th and 16th of March

On March 15th and 16th, the partner meeting of ARACNE + project was held in the city of Pistoia, in CSCS.

Five partner organisations, from four different countries, each with outstanding experience in socio-labour insertion actions, represent different areas such as cooperatives, non-profit organisations, Public Administration, private business entities and university .

ARACNE+, is a project co-financed by the European program Erasmus+ / Formation of adults whose goal is to design, based on the existing best practice in Europe, an integrated model that combines vocational
training, personal empowerment and promotion of self-employment among women in labour and social exclusion situations.

It was an interesting opportunity to have a first overview of the tasks to be carried out in the next months for developing the applicability of the ARACNE Model and a proposal for professional recognition of the competences to be acquired through the application of the ARACNE Model. An additional goal will be the
implementation an online learning platform.

For more information, visit

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