Mr Borhene Chakroun, Mr Keith Holmes and Ms Katrien Daelman of the UNESCO Section for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) met Mr Giovanni Crisonà on Friday 26th of June 2015, to learn about skillman principles, aims and work programme.
The Section for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) directed by Mr Borhene Chakroun leads UNESCO’s programme on TVET and skills development for the world of work. In close cooperation with UNESCO colleagues and partner organizations across the world, the Section coordinates the implementation of UNESCO’s Strategy for TVET to ‘attaining quality education for all and lifelong learning’.
UNESCO has just published the new volume “Unleashing the Potential: Transforming Technical and Vocational Education and Training”, pointing the attention to key trends in education today and in challenges for tomorrow. In this context, the Skillman educational paradigm has been therefore illustrated by Mr Crisonà to underline his innovative approach to skill mismatch.
It’s in the intention of Skillman members, to evidence how the new Skillman learning paradigm can really shape new educational policies and drive reforms to help future workers to be well-matched with their jobs. learning platform aims in fact to reduce the under-skilling experience making workers capable of handling more complex tasks and updating their skills on time with an innovative holistic approach.
In the skillman approach, a not relational database, represented by a visual understanding environment composed with work processes flow charts, educational pathways curricula and syllabus and qualifications and certifications maps, is interconnected with learning resources organized and offered through a relational database Moodle engine and mostly developed as a micro learning video units.
Skillman aims in this way to put in relation three different languages: enterprises; schools; certification bodies. In one side, the language of the enterprises is based on work positions; schools manage instead syllabus, curricula and certificates; accreditation bodies look finally at qualifications.
The skillman system compare all three different drives to bring students and workers to new updated skills reaching the learning contents from the three different visual understanding maps.
The meeting was supposed to identify potential collaborations and synergies and the participants after the sharing of their different experiences established a further potential collaboration to give to those organization assisted by UNESCO, also outside EU borders, the possibility to benefit from skillman results.