
October 5 is World Teacher’s Day. A special day in the year to commemorate the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. This year’s World Teacher’s Day celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) that recognized Education as a key fundamental right.

CSCS signs a cultural and scientific collaboration agreement with the UNESCO Transdisciplinary Chair Human Development and Culture of Peace

CSCS – Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo signs a cultural and scientific collaboration agreement with the UNESCO Transdisciplinary Chair Human Development and Culture of Peace of the University of Florence. The agreement is based on the mutual interest that the Transdisciplinary Chair UNESCO and CSCS have in establishing appropriate relations for the development in the sectors […]

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Skillman was selected by CEDEFOP, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, as an example of Sectoral Cooperation on Skills and was invited to the workshop on Skill anticipation methods and practices that took place the 14th and 15th of June in Thessaloniki (Greece). The event aimed at presenting three methods of skill […]

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Tiziana Chiappelli represents in the Cedefop’s Third Policy Learning Forum

Tiziana Chiappelli, as representative of the network, participated in the third ‘Policy learning Forum on Defining, writing and using learning outcomes’ to introduce and disseminate the solutions adopted by the network in relation to curricular design and learning outcomes. In the event, held the last 21 and 22 June at Cedefop’s premises in Thessaloniki, […]

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The Entrepreneurs’ Mobility Consortium has recently achieved targets for 2018

The Entrepreneurs’ Mobility Consortium, first European Partnership in terms of relationships and registrations (among all the consortia implementing the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme), has recently achieved own targets for 2018: 380 exchanges have been facilitated by the consortium. During the following months, we are planning to go on building new relationships while also focusing […]

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Tiziana Chiapelli nominated expert for the thematic working group on the inclusion of minor migrants

  Tiziana Chiapelli nominated expert for the thematic working group on the inclusion of minor migrant children Our colleague Tiziana Chiapelli was nominated expert for the workgroup “Inclusion and participation of minor migrants of 2nd generation with a special focus on civil rights and gender” by the ‘Autorità Garante per L’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza’ and participated […]

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QAPCO – Qatar Petrochemical Company new partner in network

QAPCO – Qatar Petrochemical Company, one of the world’s largest and most successful producers of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) joins the network. Dr. Mabrouk Ouederni, Product Development & Innovation Manager met Giovanni Crisonà, Director of CSCS and partner of the network in the TVET international experts meeting held in Doha (Qtar) the last 17-19 […]

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open day – Pistoia 29 maggio 2018 – Invito / ingresso libero

  L’evento celebra l’impegno di CSCS nella European Alliance for Apprenticeships con lo scopo di mostrare alla cittadinanza Pistoiese la presenza di oltre cento apprendisti del programma Italymobility e delle aziende cittadine che li ospitano collaborando attivamente al loro successo formativo. IMY OPEN DAY rientra fra le seguenti attività di CSCS: – consorzio che CSCS ha fondato insieme a FIAT […]

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