
CSCS congratulates Qatar for the award of the UNESCO Chair on TVET and Sustainable Development

Qatar has been awarded a Unesco Chair on technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Sustainable Development to be located at the College of the North Atlantic-Qatar (CNA-Q). CSCS sincerely congratulates Dr Rupert Maclean who will undertake the various responsibilities associated with the UNESCO Chair and CNA-Q for the success of its submission. The […]

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The EM Entrepreneurs Mobility consortium coordinated by CSCS signed a six-year agreement to manage mobility activities for new entrepreneurs

The EM Entrepreneurs Mobility consortium coordinated by Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo (CSCS) has just signed the ‘Framework Partnership Agreement’ with the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) to manage the the mobility activities for new entrepreneurs. The total amount of the contract assigned to the consortium for the Cycle 9 of the Programme […]

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Entrepreneur Mobility VII led by CSCS confirms its excellence during the meeting with the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

The meeting of all the intermediary organizations implementing the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme together with the European Commission (EC) and the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) has been held from 18 to 21 September in Brussels. The event involved EASME along with all the consortia that are part of the programme. […]

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As a keynote speaker of the International Conference on Lifelong Learning and Leadership for all, Mr Giovanni Crisonà has presented the principles adopted to identify industrial training future needs and develop the new curricula in the advanced manufacturing sector. The conference aimed to discuss and debate how the new generation can consistently grow and […]

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CSCS at MASTERING THE FUTURE: International Encounters on Vocational Education and Training

CSCS participated in the International Conference about Technical and Vocational Education and Training, organized by The Deputy Ministry for Vocational Education and Training and held in Donostia-San Sebastián on the 15th and 16th of June 2016. The objective of the conference was to analyse the Basque Technical and Vocational Education and Training System, as well […]

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CSCS participated in the high-level event to launch the New Skills Agenda for Europe.

Centro Studi participated in the event organised by the European Commission to launch the New Skills Agenda for Europe and boost human capital, employability and competitiveness. The actions of the New Skills Agenda focus on improving the quality and relevance of skills formation, making skills and qualifications more visible and comparable, as well as improving […]

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CSCS participated in the Aracne Euroevent. Innovation in vocational training, empowerment and social entrepreneurship.

CSCS, Fam and Lias and Blickpunkt Identität, united in a strategic partnership to carry out the Aracne project, organized a European Conference on Innovation in professional Training, Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship under the slogan #repensandolainsercion. The collaboration in Aracne was funded by the ERASMUS + program and aims to design an innovative methodology in the […]

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CSCS supervised 5 internships offered by the “Ciudad de los Muchachos” to students of FP Intermediate.

“Ciudad de los Muchachos” is a school located in the popular neighborhood of Vallecas that uses a comprehensive educational approach based on Don Bosco’s preventive system. In the last years the institute has implemented two European projects that have provided to its students the opportunity to make different Mobility FCT internships in Italy and Ireland. […]

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