The project Italymobility has been presented in the Aracne Euroevent, Innovation in Vocational Training, Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship, held the last 23 June 2016 in Madrid.
Italymobility is one of the learning mobility initiatives of CSCS aimed at giving a concrete response to the need for highly skilled workers by means of professionalisation, career development and other activities addressed to increase personal and social skills in young people.
Greta Bilanzola, in its speech, highlighted that IMY’s main goal is to provide young people the opportunity to spend some time abroad in order to acquire the additional qualifications needed to the job market.
Beside the development of specific skills, Italymobility aims at increasing trasversal skills such as curiosity, sense of initiative, independence, problem solving, communication skills, confidence, adaptability and the capacity to compare and learn different labor methods.
Moreover IMY, providing intercultural experiences, offers young people the opportunity to broad their horizons and develop a sense of European identity and citizenship which is particularly important to encourage a political and social debate.
The beneficial aspects of the project can be summarized also by using six human body parts:
- BRAIN, increasing knowledge. Italymobility is a perfect way to go beyond our national borders.
- MOUTH, increasing communication skills, public knowledge and knowledge of a new language;
- HEART, promoting friendship, peace and tolerance.
- STOMACH, thanks to the influence of local culture, the good food of Italy and good emotion. Italymobility brings cultural awareness and expression;
- HANDS, favoring practice;
- FEET, openind minds on exploration and interculturality.
The metaphor of the human body has been very effective to communicate the core values of Italymobility to the audience of the event.