New skills needs in the automotive, aerospace and train industries.

Innovative learning solutions in the specific economic domain of advanced manufacturing in the transport sector are provided by Skillman, the international Sector Skills Alliance (SSA) for Advanced Manufacturing in the Transport Sector.
The SSA led by CSCS with a network of leading organizations, including Jaguar Land Rover and SAS, FCA fiat and Scandinavian Airlines Systems, in cooperation with research centres and accreditation and regulatory bodies (, was launched with the support of the EACEA and the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme.

Skillman aims at identifying new trends in the domain of advanced manufacturing in the transport sector with the aim of depicting the skills needed by the industry in order to offer learning opportunities required to perform strategic, innovative or mostly demanded professional occupations.

The educational programmes address three key domains or problem areas: robot programming and maintenance; composite materials and ultra-light for aircraft; Internet of things and the digital transformation of production processes.

The joint programmes designed by Skillman are addressed to youngsters, in order to reach innovative qualifications, and to workers, to up-skill or re-skill according to respective specific needs are based on innovative teaching and mobile e-learning solutions.

Skillman training programmes are based on a work-based learning approach, transnational learning mobility, innovative teaching and training methodologies, including mobile e-learning solutions.
Thanks to the strengths of its partners, who represent different and complementary dimensions in the field of Advanced Manufacturing for the Transport Sector, Skillman ensures significant impact at national and European levels.
Furthermore, the cross sectoral approach as well as the wide geographic dimension, covering all European member states as well as many neighboring and extra EU countries, is ensured by the extensive network of Associated Partners, who expressed interest to cooperate and support the dissemination and exploitation of project deliverables by embedding within their respective contexts relevant qualifications and educational programmes.

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