CSCS is taking part in a new Erasmus+ KA2 project called “Beyond The Limits: Developing Entrepreneurship via Creativity in Schools“, which officially began in December 2020 and will end in July 2023.
The main goal of this novel project is to develop entrepreneurial skills using creativity in education, with specific reference to innovation of tertiary programmes, by developing a curriculum for entrepreneurship in higher education.
From a methodological perspective, creativity in entrepreneurship is explained as an effective mix of cognitive processes, motivating attitudes, existing knowledge, work environment, and personality traits. By providing rich and varied learning contexts, the curriculum should enable students to think creatively and critically, solving problems, and making the difference, proactively. Shortly, it should give them opportunities to become social, creative, innovative and resourceful, equipping them for their future lives as workers and citizens.
In order to achieve its ambitious goals, the project will foresee the organization of ICT-based intensive programs for students, academic teachers and principals, tailoring the programmes themselves according to the specific identified skills needs.
More in details, some of the goals the project are the following:
- To build leadership skills based on entrepreneurship and creativity at school;
- To understand active learning methods in entrepreneurship education in the classroom;
- To develop personal skills, values and personal attribute to promote an entrepreneurial mindset;
- To integrate ICT into teaching and learning to ensure school development through entrepreneurial and creative management approaches;
- To support the digital transformation of learning, by boosting the adoption of and practices of online education within tertiary curricula;
- To make school environments and classrooms more inclusive for all students, including special education needs (gifted students)
- To assume “Inclusive education” as a challenge for every Education provider, none left behind.
To achieve this aim, the project activities will be developing ICT-based educational materials and an entrepreneurship curriculum, organizing Intensive Programs for students and teacher training programs for teachers and principals, carrying out a research to determine the level of entrepreneurship skills of the students, publishing a book, maintaining an online education system, making movies about project activities and organizing international conference.
In particular, through the planned IP programmes and international conferences, a multicultural and multidisciplinary curricular approach will be used, putting into practice concrete exchange and learning activities in which both partners and students are actively involved and test the main products of the project. The first IP took place at Sakarya University (Turkey) in January 2022 with the participation of the whole partnership and the students that each partner brought to Sakarya. More than 50 people were involved.
Besides CSCS, the partnership consists of 7 partners from 7 countries::
- Sakarya University is a non-profit state university and it has more than 55.000 students in different academic programs
- University of Coimbra (UC) is a Portuguese public universty and one of the oldest university in Europe. UC has more than 700 years of experience in education, training and research. UC has affirmed its position over the years with a unique mix of tradition, contemporaneity and innovation.
- De Montfort University is a major public university centred in Leicester, United Kingdom.
- Granada University is a public comprehensive research university with approx. 56,000 students, 3,600 academics, 1,900 administrative and support staff. Its 27 Faculties and Schools and 124 Departments offer 62 undergraduate degrees, 106 master’s degrees and 28 doctoral programmes organized in 3 overarching doctoral schools.
- Liepaja University is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in Kurzeme region (Latvia) with large experience and academic traditions.
- Agora University of Oradea is a private university, legal entity of public utility, founded in 2000
- University of Padova is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious seats of learning. UNIPD offers its students 32 departments, 37 doctoral degree courses activated this year, 2 international doctoral degree courses and 44 research and service centres across the spectrum of sciences, medicine, social sciences and humanities.
More information about the project and its activities can be found at:
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