Senior Expert
Location: Mongolia
National Vocational Qualifications Framework – Competency-based Curriculum and National Learning Resources Development in support of demand-driven TVET system in Mongolia – Millennium Challenge Corporation, ABU Consult Berlin GmbH Germany
$ 2,8 million / 24 months – CA/MCA-M/MCC/TVET/CS/42/2009
As one of in total six projects being implemented under the Millennium Challenge Compact the TVET project addressed the primary constraints to economic growth in Mongolia. By establishing a new institutional framework supporting a demand-driven TVET system, it focused on greater labor productivity and the strengthening of training systems to meet the labor market demand in Mongolia’s key industries.The overarching goal of the MCA-M TVET Project was to increase employment and income among unemployed or marginally-employed Mongolians, and thus to contribute to poverty reduction in Mongolia. Securing private-sector participation, creating skills standards, establishing a competency-based training system and introducing a new career guidance system were the TVET project’s main objectives achieved by accomplishing five inter-related project components.Web site: http://www.mcc.gov/pages/countries/evaluation/mongolia-compact
- Team Leader of two groups of experts and stakeholders in charge to design competency-based national curricula for: “Computer Service Worker”, “Web Designer”, “Network Worker”, “Food Production Equipment Technician”
- For the same curricula, designer of examination and assessment national standards for the Ministry of Education
- For the same curricula, designer of guidelines for teachers’ and masters’, training materials and textbooks
- In charge of the organization and managing of various focus groups
- Engaged in various meetings and local study visits in Ulaanbaatar area to VET schools and other relevant organizations in the VET sector
- In the framework of project Task 2, “Development and piloting of competency-based training systems including measures in support of competency-based curriculum development, education and skill standards setting, teaching and learning methodologies and instructional materials (for in total thirty priority trades)”, the expert Mr. Crisonà contributed to the establishment of specialist Working Groups consisting of VET teachers, representatives of the National VET Agency and social partners to elaborate competency-based curricula for priority trades identified including IT trades “Computer Service Worker”, “Web Designer” and “Network Worker”, and additionally “Food Production Equipment Technician”.
- During focus group meetings and visits to specialized training providers, Mr. Crisonà contributed to the development of guidelines for teachers’ and masters’ training for the newly established curricula, as well as to the development of examination and assessment standards, training materials and textbooks
Business or sector
- Research and consultancy in education / capacity building