EMPLOY – Design Your Future Employability – European Commission, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) – LLP National Agency Spain

2012 – present

Team Member and Dissemination Work Package Leader

Location: Italy, Poland, Spain, Belgium, United Kingdom, The Nederlands, Turkey

EMPLOY – Design Your Future Employability – European Commission, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) – LLP National Agency Spain

Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri, Derio, Spain

project value: € 301.000 / 24 months – 2012-1-ES1-LEO05-48308


Employment opportunities for VET students and jobseekers are presently at a premium in most EU states. As competition for contracts is fierce, the student or jobseeker has to demonstrate excellence not only in their technical field but also in key interpersonal and work related skills. Given the current economic situation, VET graduates and skilled jobseekers have two positive options. They urgently need to competitively meet existing opportunities or to actively contribute to transforming “crisis” into new opportunities. EMPLOY aims to accompany VET students or jobseekers in accessing the world of work by successfully meeting the needs of the 21st century employer or workplace.

The EMPLOY project has developed a toolkit of innovative assignments/activities which offers students and jobseekers fitting opportunities to prepare for and succeed in the workplace. The target group is invited to engage in strategic planning for their future; they identify the skills and non technical competences they need; they gain confidence through practical, select training of these competences and they are encouraged to “employ” their emerging design capacity in new ventures.

The project also aims to increase employment mobility through promotion of recognised international credits for assessed outcomes. The project is contributing to EQF research and at the end of the Project will propose European credits (based on ECVET) for the learning outcomes in EMPLOY.


  • survey investigation for transversal competences identification
  • training material concept development
  • international meeting participation
  • Leading WP dissemination
  • Conference Organization
  • As a Team Member, representing Italian partnership in a group composed by colleagues from Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Turkey and the UK, has been involved in the research on the field on key transversal competences needed to students and jobseekers to bridge their own transition between training and work.
  • The results developed and tested are focused to improve access to employment and provide skilled competent workers for the modern workplace.
  • Product delivered at the end of the project
  • toolkit of activities and assignments
  • course method
  • Delivery Manual
  • International Needs Analysis Report
  • Pilot Report
  • International EQF/ECVET Report
  • EMPLOY Methodology

Business or sector

  • Research and consultancy in education / capacity building


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