Transnational learning mobility
IMY - is the CSCS division for learning mobility initiatives. CSCS has the pleasure to host in Tuscany over 300 International mobility trainees every year. In addition to higher and vocational education students, Italymobility implements mobility exchanges for young people with special learning needs.
Professionals, educational staff and a wide range of stakeholders come to Tuscany with CSCS for customized study visits, to discover innovative practices, to meet key players and to work together on plans for specific sectors. With the increasing need for highly skilled workers, businesses around the world consistently require technical and vocational education and training, which in turn helps to improve methodologies, evaluation mechanisms and practices. In this ever changing area, IMY Work Placements and IMY Study Visits are the first and winning choice, with a solid track of effective and smooth handling of learning mobility initiatives.
In order to meet this increasing demand for a specialized workforce with continuous learning activities, enterprises have started to use study visit experiences that merge commercial business purposes with learning objectives. CSCS started its IMY learning mobility initiatives in 2005. IMY Study Visits (usually three to five intensive working days) enable participants to experience Tuscany’s productive arena, its industrial clusters and its products. According to the needs and objectives of the visit, participants discover the main actors of the production and commercialisation chains. Furthermore IMY Study Visits enable professionals to establish direct and durable partnerships with providers and/or customers.
The main reasons behind the tangible success of IMY method is the combination of business experiences and business contacts with a wide range of social events, such as cultural visits and other social interactions that are essentials for durable change, in terms of both personal and professional development. The IMY Work Placements are usually four to twelve weeks providing participants with full immersion in a real work environment, carrying out concrete and agreed tasks within an established work position. The IMY Work Placements are suitable for learners at the end of their studies or for workers who need training in a specific or innovative context, to acquire skills that cannot be learned with traditional instruction methods, in a relatively short period of time and with unbeatable effective results.

Due to the impressive results obtained in a timely manner, enterprises are focusing more and more on IMY Mobility Work Placements as opposed to traditional on-site training. With the continuous and changing demands of workforce requirements, a full immersion training experience in a different cultural and organizational work environment has been proven to be more effective than traditional learning settings, as standard instructional processes tend to separate the teaching phase from the application and validation of the knowledge gained.
During IMY Work Placements, learners interact directly with a wide range of peers and co-workers, living a new and full immersion experience and become rapidly productive in their new workplaces. Workers develop curiosity and ambition while striving for success. New inputs and new requirements within a different work environment enable the learners to be more flexible, versatile and creative while acquiring new skills and becoming more productive.
EUMN - Europemobility Network
The Europemobility Network started in 2008 in partnership with PricewaterhouseCooper NL, to promote learning mobility for vocational training all over Europe and is today a consolidated network of training providers composed by 313 school members, covering 31 EU and not EU Countries, more than 70K Staff, 3K Mobile staff, 700 K Learners and 19K Mobile learners.
The Europemobility network is a right platform to conduct surveys and dissemination of results activities and guarantee high visibility to research activities and dissemination among schools and universities. The Europemobility Network offers to mobility coordinators a unique opportunity to establish cooperation and partnerships with other educational providers, to create synergies and learn from each other. Europemobility Network makes available resources and learning opportunities through Thematic Commissions. These are working groups focused on key aspects of learning mobility such as: Quality; Recognition; Impact; Cooperation Models; Funding Schemes.
Europemobility Network’s aim is to raise the quality and quantity of workbased learning abroad and its strength is based on the International Community of Mobility Coordinators, which is open to those involved in learning mobility in Higher Education, Vocational Education and Training and Informal and Non-Formal Education. Europemobility Network regularly promotes awareness raising campaigns, such as the yearly European Video Contest for Learning Mobility.