Tracks4Crafts examines and transforms the  transmission of traditional crafts knowledge  (TCK) to enhance the societal and economic valuation of crafts and align them with a  future-oriented heritage approach in Europe.


KABADA is an Erasmus+ KA2 project aimed at developing a tool based on an artificial intelligence (AI) for the assessment of business ideas and plans applicable to a wide range of young entrepreneurs for the promotion of self-employment and business activities.


SWOST– is an Erasmus+ Sport project aimed to change Europe’s sport organisations through the challenge of gender stereotyping within sport organizations. 


FREASCO’s goal is to make it easier to detect and report sexism and sexual harassment early on, to develop digital tools to reduce gender-based violence, and to provide assistance to schools, universities and policy makers in general.


TWOST - is an Erasmus+ KA2 project that aims to empower young Europeans by addressing gender stereotypes within youth organizations.


SKILLNET is a transnational VET providers’ partnership involving large networks, covering the whole EU-27 and a large part of the world on all the continents

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

The project is a cross-border exchange programme which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other European Union countries.


ARACNE’s goal is To design and validate an integrated model that combines occupational training, empowerment and the promotion of entrepreneurship among women in situations of labour and social exclusion.

RES - Resilience

This project explores how to help individuals through resilience  training to develop their ability to ‘bounce back’ from life’s challenges such as unemployment.

Capacity Building for Lifelong Learning

Promotional and communication campaign across Europe to support the expansion of Capacity Building based on Lifelong Learning Programme.

Europemobility Network

It is an open Consortium of organizations committed to cooperate to raise the quality and the quantity of work placements and learning mobility opportunities in Europe.


Entrepreneurs’ Mobility

The programme can offer strong value added to businesses through exchange of knowledge and experience, networking opportunities across Europe, new commercial relations or knowledge of foreign markets.


CReBUS - Creating a business in the digital age aims to d evelope entrepreneurship competencies for young Europeans through eMentorship

National Vocational Qualifications Framework

The project addressed the primary constraints to economic growth in Mongolia

Perfect Match

The project contributes to the quality and quantity of transnational mobility, concentrating mainly on hosting trainees in enterprises, by developing tools for intermediary organisations to improve significantly the quality of traineeships abroad.


SOS Network

SOS network aims to contribute to social inclusion of young people with special educational needs and social disadvantages into mainstream VET, labour market and society.


The project translates and adapts the POOLS project core results:  Course Book on CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), Course Description, ready to use exemplary CALL units in the three new languages, and DIY (Do It Yourself) videos, with subtitles, that demonstrate how to produce CALL materials.


Methods is a TOI (transfer of innovation) project based on the original BP-BLTM and later the Pools-m projects, which selected five communicative language teaching methods suitable for VET teachers and their students.


Main products:
• Training of trainers
• Training for end users
• Validation of the methodology and transference to the different countries 
• Technological support platform for training and dissemination
