Category Archives: Conferences

CB4LLP International Conference in Athens, 18th September 2014

  Capacity Building for Lifelong Learning promotes local and institutional development strategies based on innovative methodologies focused on the exploitation of successful initiatives and tools developed at European level within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme. The conference provides decision makers, local development agencies and professionals with the opportunity to meet each other, discuss […]

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AGORA forum – Future of Europe, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

The Citizens’ Agora represents a link between the European Parliament and European civil society. It is a unique tool, in both structure and breadth, for discussing with citizens, issues on Parliament’s legislative agenda.

The Agora provides room for open debate with a view to building consensus or revealing diverging opinions within civil society on the analysis or the action to be undertaken to address Europe’s future challenges.

As the EU develops its next initiatives, European civil society organisations are invited to express their views, bringing forward their analyses and proposals and highlighting the role they are willing to take in future EU actions.

The Agora conclusions, as drafted by the civil society representatives, are submitted to the European and national institutions and widely disseminated by all those involved.


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