Centro Studi participated in the event organised by the European Commission to launch the New Skills Agenda for Europe and boost human capital, employability and competitiveness. The actions of the New Skills Agenda focus on improving the quality and relevance of skills formation, making skills and qualifications more visible and comparable, as well as improving […]
CSCS participated in the Aracne Euroevent. Innovation in vocational training, empowerment and social entrepreneurship.
CSCS, Fam and Lias and Blickpunkt Identität, united in a strategic partnership to carry out the Aracne project, organized a European Conference on Innovation in professional Training, Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship under the slogan #repensandolainsercion. The collaboration in Aracne was funded by the ERASMUS + program and aims to design an innovative methodology in the […]
Eurehabchildren team visited HMYOI Cookham Wood in Rochester UK
During the 4TH PROJECT MEETING hosted by Diagrama Foundation the next MAY 12, 2016, the Eurehabchildren team discussed the training standards for the creation of teaching materials for the operators of the juvenile detention institutions. The project is coordinated by Provest consulting Ankara. CSCS, represented by Ana Maria Sarateanu and Giovanni Crisonà, is responsible for developing […]
CSCS participated in the International Conference of SOS Network in Aalborg.
Giovanni Crisonà represented CSCS in the Conference ‘Social inclusion in Vocational Training and the Labor Market through Competences and Strengths’ held the past 16 November, 2015 in Aalborg, Denmark. The international meeting of SOS Network presented different approaches to social inclusion through competences and strengths. The event relied on the participation of different international speakers […]
Speech at UMYOS symposium to present skillman.eu for ‘The Role of Vocational Schools in Regional Development’
Four hundred participants from 15 countries joined the 4th International UMYOS – Vocational Schools Symposium organized by Yalova Vocational School, under the umbrella of University of Yalova, in May 21st, 22nd and 23rd 2015, at RİZOM Resort in Yalova City, TURKEY. UMYOS’15 purpose was to join academic and industrial sector knowledge to identify benefits for schools, […]
Speech at the Seminar on ‘NEETs and Second Chance Opportunities’ – Miramar Palace San Sebastian
Earlall – European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning organised a seminar on NEETs and Second Chance Opportunites on 6th May 2015, from 12.00 to 14.00 at Miramar Palace, Donostia – San Sebastian. The Seminar, organized in combination with the General Assembly of the association, was meant to be the moment to […]
Quality in Transnational mobility
PreMo and TRACK Final Conference
Trento 13th – 14th November 2014
Giovanni Crisonà has represented the Europemobility network and signed the official agreement of the networks collaboration.
In the picture with Brigit Brödermann M.A. and Hans Thormählen from ‘Arbeit und Leben Hamburg”
Europemobility: due giorni per lo scambio di buone esperienze — ISFOL
Europemobility: due giorni per lo scambio di buone esperienze — ISFOL. Conferenza internazionale a Cagliari EUROPEMOBILITY: DUE GIORNI PER LO SCAMBIO DI BUONE ESPERIENZE 03.10.2014 – Si è svolta a Cagliari, dal 25 al 26 settembre, la Conferenza annuale della reteEuropemobility dal titolo Learning Mobility for Youth, Education and Employment. L’evento internazionale, patrocinato dall’Isfol, dalla Rappresentanza in Italia […]
MOBILITA’ | Scheda News | IALweb, il Portale della Formazione e Lavoro
MOBILITA’ | Scheda News | IALweb, il Portale della Formazione e Lavoro.
Europemobility Network International Conference 2014
Europemobility Network International Conference this year focus is on how transnational learning mobility schemes can support NEETs and how mobility may be integrated within ESF and Youth Guarantee measures. A wide range of key players, such as, among others, the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Swedish National Employment Agency, the Italian […]